6201 Hilbert Ridge Drive, Holly Springs, NC 27540
(919) 434-4183
NC Winter Striper Fishing!
New for 2015, this trip is very similar to the Upper Roanoke trips at Weldon in the Spring as far as action is concerned. The potential for a HIGH number of Stripers always exists and is accomplished using light tackle and artificial baits. This is a beautiful part of our State and a fun way to get out of the house and breathe in some clean Winter air. The trips take place just outside of Plymouth, NC which is only a few hours outside of the Triangle. I will be offering these on a very limited basis to take advantage of the best fishing.
Trip Details
Duration: 6 hours (9:45AM - 3:45PM)
Cost: $540.00 (includes up to 4 anglers) A 5th/6th can be added for an additional $40/per.
Directions: Shipyard Landing Boat Ramp
109 Shipyard Landing Rd. Windsor, NC 27983
Greggofish Guide Service, LLC
NC Fishing Guide Service
Inland & Coastal
Owned and Operated by
Capt. Greg Griffin {MMC# 000254813}