Red Drum Fishing
Guided trips for the largest
Red Drum in the World!
with NC Coastal and Inland Guide ~ Captain Greg Griffin

Trip Information
- Price of the trip is $600.00 and this covers 4 anglers (a 5th and/or 6th can be added)
- All trips begin at 6:30AM and run until 12:30PM (all trips are considered full trips at 10:00AM should the trip end early for whatever reason including weather)
- afternoon trips are 4 hrs (3:30 - 7:30) and are $400. These tend to get postponed more often and usually have a little more boat movement due to wind. It is a less expensive option and still gives you an EXCELLENT shot at a trophy Red Drum.
Also included:
- Fishing equipment and bait
- Bottled water on ice (bring anything else you want to eat or drink)
Things to know about the trip
1. You do not need a fishing license. I have a NCDMF Coastal Blanket License which covers all anglers on the boat.
2. Make sure to watch the weather and dress accordingly. Bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and anything else you may need to be comfortable.
3. The water we fish can be fairly rough (due to the wind) at times. I will fish in conditions right up to the point it begins to feel unsafe or not comfortable. If you are subject to motion sickness, you may want to take whatever it is you take before the trip to help with that should it become an issue.
Each year I look forward to catching the largest Red Drum in the world during the peak of their annual spawning migration into the Sounds and Rivers of North Carolina. These are a hard fighting fish surviving in the Ocean to and beyond a potential 50th birthday. Come meet my favorite piscatorial adversary, I would be happy to introduce you!
Reserve your fishing trip here
Lodging Options
Greggofish Guide Service discount
These are just SOME of the fish caught during 2014 Guide Trips