Dorosoma Cepedianum

Back silvery blue, somewhat iridescent; sides silvery above, whitish below; abdomen white. 
Fins darkened. 
Dark purplish spot about the size of the eye present immediately behind the upper end of the gill opening.  Spot becomes obsolete and disappears with age.

Small sub-terminal, slightly overhung by the rounded snout.
Centrally notched upper jaw protrudes slightly beyond lower jaw.
Upper jaw reaching below the front margin of the eye.
Gill rakers long, slender

Deep strongly compressed laterally.
Average length 8.5 -13.5 in.
Scales large, thin, rounded and smooth-edged , Falling off or shed at a specific season or stage of growth.
Lateral line lacking.
Median lateral series of scales 61 (52-70).
Ridge of sawlike  scales close to the abdomen.

lower jaw shorter than upper jaw;
a much shorter dorsal fin filament;
absence of black pigment on the chin and floor of mouth; more than 17 midventral scutes in the prepelvic series;
more scales in the lateral series; more anal fin rays.

Will school up as juveniles in quiet surface waters, adults near bottom.
Spawn at night in spring, in shallows.
Eggs randomly scattered adhere to plants, rocks or firm substrate.
Preferred Temps 66 -72 degrees F. Will start at 50 degrees
Six week spawning period.
Most spawn at age 2.
producing  22,000 to 350,000 eggs .
Incubation 2-4 days.
Buoyant larvae become plankton.
Life span 4-6 years, few live beyond age 3.
Adult die-offs common.
Adults bottom filter feeding from areas along shorelines.
Open water fish have mostly phytoplankton and sand for digestion.
Juveniles planktivorous.
Preferred temp is 72 -76 degrees F.